If you're looking to watch the best movie ever made (in my opinion) you have to watch Tombstone. My favorite characters are Johnny Ringo (Michael Biehn) and Doc Holliday (Val Kilmer).
Tombstone takes place just after the Civil War. Wyatt (Kurt Russell), Morgan (Bill Paxton) and Virgil (Sam Elliot) Earp arrive in Tombstone with their ditzy wives (especially Virgil's- "Gracious, we could be sisters!"), and meet up with Wyatt's friend, Doc Holliday. Doc is an witty gambler with tuberculosis. It also happens that Tombstone is being terrorized by a band of outlaws called the Cowboys, led by Curly Bill (Powers Boothe).
Virgil arrests Ike Clanton (a Cowboy) and when they let him out, Ike's still furious, so he gets a lot of the cowboys together and they start threatening to kill the Earps and Doc. So all four of them go down to the OK Corral, and there starts the famous gunfight. Now a cool part here is how Doc starts it by winking at the kid. He and the kid cowboy had a prior grievance against each other over a piano, and I guess the wink just pushes it over the edge. Pretty soon there's fighting everywhere but the only casualties are three cowboys and Morgan and Virgil get wounded but are okay a few minutes later.
After this, the Cowboys want revenge, so they shoot Morgan and Virgil. Morgan dies, and Virgil is sent home with his wife. Wyatt just loses it with the Cowboys especially after Ike is sent to finish them off on the train. Wyatt, Doc, and two ex-Cowboys go after Curly Bill, Ike, and Johnny Ringo. They kill most of the other Cowboys, and end up killing Curly Bill. After this, Doc (who has tuberculosis) gets pretty sick, so they leave him at a ranch. Johnny Ringo tells Wyatt to meet him under an oak, but instead of Wyatt going, Doc goes, because they all know Wyatt doesn't stand a chance against Ringo. Doc kills Ringo, and that's the end of Ringo and the Cowboys.
Then Doc ends up at a sanatorium in Colorado, where after a visit from Wyatt, he dies.
This movie is full of great quotes to say to people you have a particular grievance against, or just situations in general.
I loved this movie, and recommend it highly. Also, check out the pictures!!
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