Spotted on a button: Reality subject to change without notice. -Mother Earth. Did you ever notice that mothers seem to be in charge of everything?
My net name is muffy, but my real name is Jesse. I am a girl. I live in Vermont.i'm a vegetarian and I like to ski, both Nordic and Alpine. I'd have to say that I like Alpine better, though. I also like to play soccer, and I love to debate (policy, team debate, c-x debate, whatever they call it in your region.)
Onward and Upward . . . .
I would like to thank my rather outrageous friend Renay for allowing me to use this space. She has strange musical tastes leaning towards country and John Mellencamp, but if you've visited the main page (well, you would have to to get here, duh) then it is a reasonable assumption that you would already know that.
My Eating Habits
I don't chew gum. Gum base (chicle) comes from the rainforest and the trees are cut down to get it. Consider breaking your habit.
I am also a vegetarian. Even before I became one, I didn't eat hot dogs. If you have a weak stomach, skip down to the next paragraph, and stop eating hot dogs, or most sausages for that matter. For those of you who do not sicken easily, hot dogs (the inside part) are made of offal. That means the ears and eyes and any other parts of animals that they can't sell on their own. That's because no one would buy them, much less eat them. Then, after grinding it up, they stuff the offal into the intestines of the pig. Whether or not this impacts you personally, spread the word. Other consumers should not be uninformed.
Cheer for us! My friend Renay and I are superior debaters (at least in Vermont, although we're not bad elsewhere).
I'm very excited about debate this year. The topic is renewable energy (like you care) and it is a good topic for me to expose my views on the environment and the world in general.
Brian, if you ever find this page, Jeff Hornacek has THREE kids!!
Another note on celebrity children: John Mellencamp named his kid Hud. I feel so bad for that poor little kid. I think it may be crippling to his adult life. I cannot imagine going to a doctor named Hud Mellencamp. Renay says, John, if you come here, don't you get insulted, 'cause it's muffy's opinion not mine. muffy responds, don't get insulted if your name is Hud, either.
The above biased statement is no longer really valid. In a name book I discovered that Hud was the name of a Muslim prophet, so if John Mellencamp is a Muslim, it is a perfectly nice and fitting name.
Hey, Stinky. Long time no smell.
You're a smell for a sore nose. (No insult intended, these are not meant for you to take personally. Just appreciate them for their comedic value.)
Today I was forced to watch Tombstone. I find it very violent, although it does have its funny points. When Curly Bill goes berserk, it's funny for awhile, till he shoots Marshal White. That's so tricky and so sad and evil!!!!!! They should've hung him right then and there.
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